
Reunions & Farewells

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I was reunited with some old friends yesterday. I had abandoned them while in my last months of pregnancy & again after delivery for chocolate & treats. But I decided to make "tomorrow" today & seek out these familiar friends. I used to spend hours a day with them...I thought it would be hard to meet up with them again, but it was almost as though we had never parted. They are slowly forgiving me for all the sweets I chose over them. I am happy to say these two dear friends will now be back in my daily life! so watch this mommy melt!

But this reunion does not come without sacrafice. I now must bid a sad farewell to my oversized portions & my obsession with anything chocolate or baked. Solong sweets! If you ever really loved me you will make this easy on both of us & stay away!

1 comment:

Tyson & Rebecca Sloan (Mr. Incredible & his sweetheart) said...

How funny! You are much more dedicated than I!!! We love your family and hope to get to be better friends. Your littlest guy is adorable as are the older two.

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