
{Spring break prt.2}

Friday, March 30, 2018

After we returned from California & said goodbye to Omah we met up with our bests and went North To Saint George for the day. We went to a children's Museum and the children played and explored. It was such a neat little museum with so many fun rooms to provoke make believe. I love watching our children play together. I love that they are such good friends. Our families were always meant to be together. Now if the Crosbys only lived a bit closer! After a few hours of play we ate lunch & visited some church bookstores that we don't have by us. We finished up our day in Utah at the Saint George Temple visitor center and grounds. Of course we stopped for Swig on our way out of town too! We had such a fun day! We got home late and the children all crashed into bed. Its been such a fun filled break. Now the count down summer starts! Spring break always makes us excited for the long break ahead! & We hope to spend a lot of our summer days with these sweet friends! 

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