
Its official...

Friday, January 02, 2009

Well-p its official. Maddox is colicky. Our pediatrician is certain that poor little Maddox's cries & Screams..& yes I mean SCREAMS are those of aches & pains in his tiny troubled tummy. I am grateful & glad that I am a veteran mom, because I surely would be in shambles if not for my experience with drowning out constant crying with daydreaming & singing nursery rhymes. Im sad for our pumpkin. I HATE seeing the little features on his face express so much anguish. You can just tell he is suffering. But selfishly I am even more sad for myself. Not because its exhausting or frustrating..because its not really. But because I don't feel like I am seeing any of his REAL personality. I know Maddox is not a fussy baby, or an unhappy baby...Its just that his happy self is somewhere being suppressed by the torture of belly bubbles. I want to see happy eyes, rather then desperate ones.I know when his digestive track is ready he will calm down, we will all sleep & a content & sweet little boy will emerge. In the mean time Im teaching myself how to function on 45 minuets of sleep a night. During those rocking, pacing, bouncing wee hours of the night I am getting some special time to love on our sweet baby boy. I love those moments when hes in twilight about to enter a dream when he looks at me in peace, no crying, no pain, just sleepy & satisfied in his mommy's arms.


Kim-the-girl said...

Wow. You sound like super mom! I hope to one day gain so much patience and perspective. Thanks for being an inspiration.

Heather said...

Little Maddox, I hope your tummy feels better soon. Thank goodness you are surrounded by many wonderful D.O.'s to help you be comfortable! Tell your mommy she is a super mommy and is admired by many. Also tell your mommy, I would love to help in anyway I can and to just call if she needs a loving ear to listen or needs a helping hand or warm hug.

Hill Fam said...

Poor Maddox. I hope that is tummy gets better really soon! Jenni, I think that your phone isn't working. Every time I try to call I get a busy signal. Keep hanging in there!

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