
A day in the life...

Monday, January 26, 2009

and every second in between!
Can you imagine how absolutly exhausted our little peaunut was after all that crying?! He finaly cloanked out at 7:45pm. Sweet baby Maddox, we sure love him through it all! He deffinitly domonates this momma's prayers with his tiny digestive problems.


Kim-the-girl said...

I'm sure you've heard lots of remedies, but I thought I'd pass these along to you as friends passed them to me when I was having trouble with Levi. Gripe water, you can buy it at health food stores... it smells kind of like dill. It didn't help too much with Levi, but I've heard LOTS of good things from other moms. Colic tablets, you put them under their tongue or something and they dissolve. These made a HUGE improvement in my niece, but again not much for Levi. What helped Levi was when I cut dairy out of my diet, he was SO much happier. It was hard, but SO worth it. Since Bryant is allergic to milk we already had all the soy products. Let me know if you try any of these and if they help! Good luck Baby Maddox!

Ethan says, "Yo, that's my song!"

Finkleas said...

Oh.... poor little buddy!!!

Hill Family said...

Poor baby Maddox. I an I bet his Mommy is pretty tired too! Hang in there! It will get better. I've never had a colicky baby but it sounds brutal!

Carol said...

Wish we were closer to visit and give all of you hugs!!!
The boys are so adorable.
A few more months and hopefully the colic will disapear.
Miss you all.
Love, Aunt Carol

Heather said...

Jen...Let us know how we can help...even if it is just getting together to keep you mind off of the stress of a crying baby. we love are a super mom! Such an inspiration!!! We love you, we love you!!!

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