
{Easter in Arizona}

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The week leading up to Easter my Mom took on all 5 children alone. My dad was in Seattle for a work project, & my poor mother still wanted to take them for spring break. Rod & I got a lot of packing (& eating) done. We move in 5 days. I never do well with moves, they are too much for me. Starting over completely scares me. My children on the other hand are super excited. I don't think we ever planted super deep roots here. It was hard going from super friendly, conservative Texas to this city. Totally different culture. Not bad, just very different. We are slowly adjusting and understanding that there is beauty in all the unique things this city has to offer...and...that somethings are just plain bad, & that we can choose to avoid them. (like drugs on a 12 year old. what?! & the billboards here. gag.) That aside we have the best ward here! I love them like I loved my Tennessee ward. So selfless and humble & true. I have grown so much spiritually here as has Rod & T. Our littles loves their primary teachers and friends. Cooper would cry & cry until Tate Hulet became his primary teacher. Now he wants to go to primary every day of the week. He has me draw pictures of her & him. Its adorable. I may need to bring her with me. I may have lied to Coop to prepare him for a new teacher. I told him his new teacher was Sister haulers best friend. We will see how it goes.  but back to Easter... So at the end of our week of packing Rod & I drove to my parents house to pick up the children. They were sun kissed and exhausted from swimming & movies, playing, & late nights. For holy week i had sent the children with a lesson a day so that they would remember how important Easter is. Easter weekend we did easter baskets, were visited by a bunny, went on an easter egg hunt & to brunch. We packed up all the children belongings and headed back home for a few more weeks of school. They each expressed how much they missed Oma already. Things are in full blown crazy mode here. Emotions are high with the move upon us. But We are going to pull through & be settled in no time. 

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