
{Until October...}

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Well-p the luxury of having Tre around is almost over.
He goes back to pre-school tomorrow after his double dose of spring break
(almost triple if you count the 3 days we pulled him out for our DC venture.)
Its been nice to lounge around in jammies & play in the mornings
without the hustle & bustle of loading 3 little boys into the car.
Granted its only 3 hours in the AM each day,
but I sure miss him while he is gone.
Conference was more successful today
as there was no fork injury to be had.
We took the boys out to wiggle after each session.
They came in dirt covered & smiling.
I really enjoyed this Conference.
I feel such an increase in the spirit in our home
when the voices of the Prophet & his apostles & other general leaders
drift through our rooms & hallways.
Rod & I got into a pretty long & hefty discussion about the Atonement.
(Thank you sweetheart!)
I find myself even more grateful today for our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Isn't that how a testimony & faith works?
It grows every day!!
I am truly excited that T & Britt both could understand if even in some small way
that this weekend was special...
I hope their little testimonies benefited
from the words of love, scripture & council that was spoken.
Until October....

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Finkleas said...

cute pictures. Austin told me about Tre when he came home last night. AAAHHHHH! I am so sorry! Poor little guy! Payton talked about it all day today. Didn't mean to be rude on msn, by time I got off to chat with , you were gone. How was your offer? Did you get it?

Kim-the-girl said...

I'm impressed if you were able to get your boys to hear any of conference... its tough around here. :) I also think its so sweet that you miss Tre, Ethan just said to me yesterday, "I don't know what you're going to do when its summer and you have Bryant all day every day!" Because he just totally ups the craziness!

Brittany Bradley said...

So cute! How is your little boy's eye? You guys are such a sweet family!

Amy Houseman said...

love your family picture!!! you are just the cutest little family! have a fabulous day!!!

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