
{the birthday song}

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Every year our dear friends make us a birthday song. This year they did not disapoint. It was so good that I of course started to cry like a baby into my bathrobe. We miss the Sowbys & our home in KY/TN & this song did not help matters!
Thanks friends! we love ya!!!

1 comment:

allegra said...

that is so sweet! it seems like you guys were really close. it's always hard to move and start all over building friendships. these guys will be your friends for life it seems though. Near or far, it's fun you're still keeping in touch!

Your Christmas seemed wonderful! I almmmmost bought Ruby the PB white kitchen too:) But they were actually out of stock in our PB store! Did you get the 3 separate pieces or the 3 in one? Fun your parents are in special for the kiddos:)

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