
flashlight fun

Sunday, October 12, 2008

After church Rod & I form an alliance to get the kids down for naps.Its a mad dash! We change the boy's clothes, put some lunch in their tummies & within 15 minuets of arriving home they are down. Go Team Sclater! After a few hours of a silent home they are up & ready for round 2! Today it was flashlights & a dark hall way!

Tre is an ANGEL in primary lately. We have an award for the most reverent child...Ill tell you...Its hard not to give it to him every week. He sits arms folded, sings songs, and answers questions. His teacher loves him, I LOVE HIM! He makes me feel like I'm doing something right when he can answer questions in regards to the gospel.

Sundays always bring me back to the big picture...the eternal picture. As Tre puts it... "I love my family forever!"

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