
{Tonight I...}

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Here are my justifications as to why I felt the need to decorate for Christmas on November 8th.
1) Because I wanted to.
2) Because Rods not here to talk some sense into me.
3) we will be gone for the holidays so why not enjoy our Christmas decor longer?
4) I like twinkle lights...a lot.
5) It will make the boys smile in the morning. & possibly confuse them. I am willing to take that risk.


Derek said...
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Tara said...

Hooray! We should create a club. Ever year our house is decorated for Christmas by Thanksgiving and I do not apologize for it. Thanksgiving is about gratitude and I'm grateful for Christmas. I love it!

P.S. I accidentally wrote this under my husband's account and then deleted it b/c it was a little creepy.

Jenni said...

tara, your posting this while in labor right?! haha. that baby should be coming any day now!

Kalen said...

I want to deck my halls so bad, but since we're having company for Thanksgiving, I almost want to enjoy that first!! I may have mentioned this before, but we will be getting our tree the day AFTER Thanksgiving this year. We won't be running into the same problem we had with the pumpkins by not having time to go get one.

Hill Family said...

Christmas in November??? Sure why not. I used to feel the same way about Christmas. I hope you're having a great week. Oh, my ultrasound is just a few days before thanksgiving so hopefully I will have something to be really thankful about... a girl... I mean a healthy baby.

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