
Gone Fishin'

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Today in the Sclater kitchen we...

These little "gone fishin'" treats are orange flavored, but Tre insisted they were water flavored because they were like little ponds with fish (sweedish fish) in them. The sugar rush hit later.
As for Britt...Well see for yourself...

Poor thing has been batteling a fevr and tummy ache all day. I can only imagine its that nasty cold rearing its ugly head for round two. I am hoping our little ninja will kick it soon.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hi! How fun to make lolli's! SUPER MOM JENNI!!! ;) I hope Britton is feeling a little better today and everyone got some good sleep. Would love to play this weekend if you are free. Ryan will be studying all weekend so any day is good for me. Hugs to you and your sweet family!

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