
A Fathers Wisdom...

Sunday, September 28, 2008

When Rod & I were dating he would almost daily say...
"Some people are fireman, some people are doctors, my job is to make you happy!"
I remember him saying this even in to the early years of our marriage.
Recently he has started to sneak this idea into Tre's little head.

Daddy: Tre, what is Daddy's most important job?
Tre: To be good to mommy
Daddy: What is Britt's most important job?
Tre: To be good to mommy & not climb onto the TV.
Daddy: What is Tre's very most important job ever?
Tre: To be so good to mommy!

I hear this same conversation over & over! Its too funny.
I think Rod is starting to instill in his son the same deep & profound lesson his dad instilled in him...
"happy wife, happy life!"
this bit of Dad sclater wisdom just cracks me up!

I love watching my sweet husband with our boys! I love the way they look up to their father...I could not have picked a better man to teach my boys how to be men!


marie said...

Good job Rod!
the picture looks so cute the guys together.
Love, Mom

Heather said...

Too cute!

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