
{how to treat a girl}

Monday, April 23, 2012

Since Presley was born we have been big advocates for the proper treating of ladies. We tell our boys frequently that it is detrimental that they treat Presley with the utmost respect, because that is how she will set the standard on how a man should treat her. If they are mean to her, she will think its okay for men to be mean to her. If they are kind & gentle with her she will expect men to be kind & gentle with her. The boys really subscribe to this concept. They are very tender with their baby sister. & you can tell she feels loved by all the kisses & rubs she offers them. Her kisses are sloppy & messy & make you cringe & laugh at the same time, but they suck it up & let her slobber on them. Good troopers! Today she was dancing with her Dad when she decided to switch partners to her biggest big brother, T. T & Presley have a special bond. I think she knows he can care for her in much the same way mommy & daddy do. He often reaches cups for her, or gets a toy untangled, or lets her sit in his lap for a show. I hope as they grow this fondness continues & that she feels he is someone she can always depend on.


Kim-the-girl said...

That is so good! I need to do better at teaching my boys these lessons!!! These pictures are so sweet. Love these kids!

Ava said...

This is so cute!! It is sooo important how boys are taught to treat girls! I believe in old fashioned gentlemen! I always tell my 3 men (that being my husband & sons), that if we don't have a girl, then I'm the princess in this house and I try to inculcate princessing of me in all of them. ;) Hopefully my boys grow up knowing how to be gentle and kind. So far we've got it down pat that the toilet seat goes down, and that's great for me. ;)

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