
{Cabin Prt.1}

Monday, July 25, 2016

Our ward held an auction in an effort to raise money for the youth. Because we are a new ward we needed all the camp gear & supplies for girls camp & the scouts. We were able to raise enough & then some. One of the items on the auction was a weekend at a cabin in Lee Canyon. I bid till we got it. This last weekend we had time to head up the mountain with the Keys family. The kids peeked in the house & then immediately ran outside to explore the hills. The temperature was about 20 degrees cooler! It felt wonderful to get a break from 114 degrees! The children found a swing on the edge of a hill. The children loved it & I had a great time swinging too. After dinner Kim taught the kids how to make tissue paper torches so they could have little torches like the pioneers did. I read bedtime stories & the 10 children went to bed happy & dirty with their little torches in hand! Oh yeah...& Maddox got stuck on a shed roof. Always an adventure! 

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