

Monday, June 25, 2012

This weekend we had a street shrimp boil. 50 lbs of shrimp and crab legs were boiled along with corn & potatoes. Neighbors brought camping chairs, sides & treats & the kids brought bikes, power wheels and anything with wheels really. We finally crawled up the hill in the dark to our home at about 9:30. The children were bathed (feet scrubbed extra well.) & went to bed quickly smelling like baby bath & lotion.


marie said...

Love the pics and what a fun time! Why didn't the boys drive down the tractor? Got a glimpse of what Tre will look like as a driver.. Love your neighborhood and love your neighbors!!

allegra said...

how fun! What fun neighbors and friends you have! Love all the fun things you guys are always doing!

Kim-the-girl said...

I think you might be in the best neighborhood ever. But I have a feeling you are a big contributor to that. Looks like a fabulous time!

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