

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I am the mother of a child who will be 7. SEVEN! what the heck?! I feel too young to have a seven year old! Life moves full speed. I wouldnt mind if it all slowed a bit.
My parents wanted to give T his birthday gift before they returned home. so after tree decorating & then a bit of story time with elittle ones got tucked in & T was given his first birthday present for the big S-E-V-E-N!

then the gifting!
yup- a kindlefire. My parents spoil him to pieces! I think after spending so much time with T while we were living in North Carolina they have a special connection to him, & he to them. He loves them deeply. My Dad loaded the reader with tons of books. Tre cannot put the thing down! Tre is a big reader. he loves to hide away & read. I walked in on him doing the whole hiding under the covers with a flashlight reading thing just the other night. Made me smile. I remember doing the same thing.

-Thank you Mom & Dad for encouraging him to love reading.-

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