

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tre has a great group of friends at school.
Bryce & his dad took T & all his buddies out for Dairy Queen...
his treat.
And, the best part...
they traveled in style while the moms & dads followed behind in SUVs & Minivans.
Who knew riding in a mid 70s yellow limo could be so fun?!
Photobucket that pretty lady on the end is Ms. Shana. T & I have known her for 3 years.
she is the best teacher arround & we couldnt love her more if we tried! really!
Photobucket Photobucket sweet plate!

that cutie pie at T's side is Miss. Chloe.
Tre just loves her to pieces.
Id say the best part was watching heads turn as we drove down the street.
a yellow limo?!
I know I know. how did I take my bed to DQ?
I cheated.
I didnt want T to be disapointed. he really wanted to go!
(& so did I!)


marie said...

Love the big yellow Limo and the memories will last a life time. Miss Chole is beautiful!!

Did someone say Ice Cream!!

Heather said...

Tell Miss Shana hello...I sure miss her!!!!

Jenni said...

I will heather. I know she just misses Ben to pieces! now get to posting some pictures! haha:)Im tired of stalking your blog! love ya!

Kim-the-girl said...

That just might be the coolest car I've EVER seen!

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