
{Surviving Sunday}

Sunday, July 26, 2009



Kim-the-girl said...

All I can say is that church is incredibly humbling for this momma. Three kids is bit easier to keep them separated, once you add a baby into the mix it only gets more... interesting ;) People always say its because my kids are so little... hopefully that means there will come a day when we aren't the Woody Crazy Show. I could write an article on my mixed feelings about Sacrament meeting, but I'll spare you. I'll just let you know that most people are barely even hearing your kids because they're so concerned about their own.

allegra said...

your guess is as good as mine. i can barely do sacrament with one kid! i don't know how you do three! you're super mom, that's for sure.

i would just sit in the back so there is an easy escape route at all costs:) :)

Tara said...

I have no idea. Last Sunday was the first one in 15 months where I sat through the whole meeting. I didn't hear the whole meeting, but at least I was in the same room. It doesn't matter right now, they'll learn in primary where the singing and teaching is done on their level.

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