

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Rod: Jenn (he refuses to call me jenni) Turn around & close your eyes.
Me: No. Wait, Why?
Rod, Just do it.
Me: (I turn around) Okay now what?
Rod: are your eyes closed?
Me: Yes. (laughing.)
I then feel him slip something around my neck...


I immediately started jumping up & down!
because I have not seen or
had one of these since grade school.
(Im pretty sure Danae & I had one every year.)

(& mostly)
for the past two months we have been working hard on us.
One thing Rod has been saying for those two months is
that I am his best friend.
Its not so much the words,
as much as its the way he looks at me when he says them.
He means them.
His eyes become fierce with love
like they did when we first met.
In the last few weeks its become more playful.
He will say "Jenn your my BFF"
& I proceed to giggle &
Then he wraps his arms around me & picks me up.


(pardon the "I havent showered in like a eek because I have an open house this saturday & there are still rooms to paint" look. While my husband looks smokin' Hott fresh from the psyche clinic where he is doing his first med school rotation.)

He is my BFF.


In regards to the
"guess that baby game"

Yay to all of you!
Looks like you know your sclaters.
My Miss Marta Hill was our first response winner
& the very best response goes to Rod's college buddy Tara!
we love all of you!
Thanks for playing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL you are right we did have one almost every year. That's so funny you said that because when I saw the photo I thought the exact same thing.

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