
A write in...

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Politics are a huge deal in our home. Rod is and always has been deeply int rested in politics. The guy was up at 5am itching for the polling location to open. My thought was..."Honey, Its not Christmas." haha. I love that he is so interested in our nation & I will be shocked if he does not at some point run for some sort of local office. This interest has been passed down to our T-man.
Rod was at school studying tonight (big test tomorrow! YIKES!) so while I was feeding the boys dinner I snuck on fox news to listen to the election updates. Tre must hear Rod & I talking, the boy is a sponge and hears it all.Not to mention he, Britt & the bump came with me to vote. So when he heard over fox news the words "president" & "McCain" & "Obama". Tre proceeded to do this...

Tre: "Mommy I have to make a phone call!"
Mommy: "Okay, who to?"
Tre: "Mommy its just an important phone call I have to make!" (said with a tone of irritation and urgency. How dare I question a man on a mission?!)
Mommy: "Okay here's your phone hon." (handing him one of 8 billion play phones we have.)
Tre: "Beep-beep-beep-beep, ring ring ring. Its ringing mom."
Mommy: "Okay good!" (at this point im laughing. he is so serious!)
Tre: "Hello, I am calling because Obama and McCain are not presidents! No they aren't! YOU are president! President monson, I am calling to tell you I voted for you behind the blue curtain! you win! YOU are president! YAY!!!!!!! Yay President Monson!"
Mommy: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA........................(and then I snuggled him for being so sweet & reminding me every day in every way how to have eternal perspective!)

So Tre has a write in on his ballot. I have to say our beloved prophet is definitely the president who we love most! so yay president Monson!


Lexey said...

Hehehehe!! That is so cute!! What a cute little boy!! Children can really remind you what is most important!! Thanks for the fun story!

Finkleas said...

Too funny!!! What a funny boy!
Thanks again for bailing!!!!!


Mauri said...

that's awesome!
MY vote's for Monson TOO!

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