

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Mother's day had consisted of a sleepless night prior with a hurt baby who needed an ER visit after a pretty yucky fall. Rod had worked the night before & was exhausted. The kids were having a rough day too. It wasn't the ideal day, but that was no ones fault, just how things ended up. To make things even Rod said he wanted the worst father's day ever. I considered it a challenge.  Tre & I brainstormed & decided to cook a yummy meal & put it in a trash can of sorts. we hunted for a trash can that would be perfect. We stumbled upon a ceramic cookie jar that looked like a trash can. It was hilarious. The boys made cards that looked like insults until you opened them up to see the whole message. We sang Rod his least favorite song ever & really made a joke of the day. He reported that it was his best worst fathers day! I failed at taking pictures.

1 comment:

Kim-the-girl said...

You guys are so great!

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