

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Our good friend & neighbor , Helmut is from Brazil. He & his sweet wife hosted a soccer/football viewing dinner. Complete with Brazillian BBQ. All the Brazillian restaurants we have been to dim in comparison to the food we ate at Ronda & Helmuts'.  Ronda even rented a water slide for the children. Rod asked me after the veining was over if I had watched a moment of the game. The answer was no. Between keeping an eye on Presley in the water & catching up with my girlfriends the game was forgotten. Presley has been growing closer to her 3 doors down buddy, C. They are so sweet together. C is so patient & loving with our girl. Maddox & Tre had to be dragged home. they loved playing with Evan & all the street kids. Cooper is beginning to outgrow his separation anxiety. He explored & played & gave everyone scares as he showed them how good he is at conquering the stairs. The night was one we will definitely remember. We are happy here. Very happy.  

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