

Thursday, April 11, 2013

In conferences past the kids seemed pretty quiet & did really well for being so young. I mean 2 hours 2 times a day for 2 days...that is a lot of sit & be quiet time. 
something crazy must have seeped into our drinking water this time around. 
crazy would be an understatement.
But with that I TOTALLY get that they are young. 
Tre was sweet.
The boys were being so loud that he could not hear well so often he could be found standing right next to the television or computer so he could hear better.
He is a spiritual giant in that skinny body! 
This conference seemed particularly geared towards the family. or maybe that just what I needed to hear & so it jumped out the most to me. 
I love the talk about successful marriages most of all! 
& the talk about chastity! which was a great segway for "the talk" that Tre will soon be receiving from mom & dad about such matters. 
one part of the conference that i carry deepest in my heart is when it was said that the hours of dinner & bedtime are of utmost importance. Of course I knew that already. But It was a refresher that I need to really REALLY focus on building up the little self esteems, building good relationships within the family & building testimonies. I always try to put my electronics away when the boys get off the bus. Now I mean business. I took facebook & email off my phone...making it just a phone. 
I don't want distractions from the things that matter most in my life.
Someday they will be grown & gone & I do not want to remember their littlest years with regret of waisted moments. I want to soak them in while their shoe sizes are still smaller than mine. 
It was a wonderful weekend with lots of renewed ambition. 

Saturday morning the little boys had a special outing with dad to get mulch & do a kids workshop at home depot. spring is in the air & its time to refresh the yard. They were excited..although this picture sure does not show it..which is why I find it hilarious. sillies!

this is what conference with 5 looks like....

This was our new game. Each talk we gave the kids a word. If they heard their word they got to pick a treat! they loved it. some words were...priesthood, gospel, heavenly father, savior, scriptures...

sack lunches & busy bags for the kids...


Kalen said...

I LOVE the look on Coopers face while Rod kisses his little button nose!! :) I battle with electronics every day. It kills me to have to be on my laptop for work while Norah wants to climb all over me to play! I would love to shut it off often & just snuggle with her!! It kills me & I think the same thing as you do, but then I remember that I am helping to put food on the table and keep clothes on her. A lesson in and of itself... BUT, it's after work that I need to work on keeping the laptop away.

Meghann said...

I like this post! I feel like I constantly see moms out and about who are glued to their phones while their poor little ones are just staring at them wanting some attention. It makes me sad. I just deleted FB and a bunch of other crap off of my cell phone so I can focus on getting through this pregnancy and I want to keep it all off AFTER the baby comes, too. I don't want to be that mom :(

Kim-the-girl said...

You really are an inspiring mom Jenni. Thanks for your ever vigilant, loving example of what type of mother I need and want to be.

allegra said...

amen!! I held off forever and ever getting the iphone. i could have gotten one, but I just knew it would be a huge distraction. And ya know what, sometimes it really is!! I have a love/hate with technology. I try to be present always, but sometimes I find myself peeking at instagram or whatever during the day too. Thanks for the reminder. I loved the talks this conference, too. And that photo of all the kids laying down hit me hard. You have a LOT of kids and you do it so well! You're amazing!

allegra said...

p.s. tre standing up to listen better= melt me now. he's such a sweet heart!!

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