
{T in a tree}

Thursday, October 21, 2010

(theres music in go ahead &
scroll down & turn off my rediculous blog playlist.)

I am excited about this new toy of mine. I have much to learn. this was my first use--so lots of loss of focus, but hey. Im not trying to be a pro...just capture my silly trio. lots of love!


allegra said...

oh my this is darling! i've been meaning to learn how to edit videos-so cute. i love the in-and-out-of focus/blurred look. i think it's artsy and adds character and dimension to the video. it also makes it more "dreamy".

cute! post lots of videos in the future. maybe i'll get motivated and do a few here and there. but i'd have to learn how to edit videos first:)

Heather said...

Jenni--your boys are so adorable and they are getting so big. Wished we lived closer to you so we could have play dates. :) Cutie pa tootie video! :) Enjoy your new gear!

Ava said...

Never even dawned on me to edit videos I take on my Canon!! What program did you use? I do hate that my camera doesn't maintain focus if I zoom while videoing...Not as good as my video camera, but much more convenient! Glad to see your having fun with your new toy! ;)

Jenni said...

Ava, I actually didnt use an editing program mostly because I havent found one i love yet. I like when focus is lost, but not as mych as what is in this video. haha. this is just plain rediculous! haha. Try moving your body rather then use the actually makes the video look better too---or so i have as amateur as it gets! haha. PS: I LOVED your idea of the spoon story! haha. that would have been a cute one.

Hill Family said...

very cool Jenni

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