
Back in the saddle again

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Well-p Rod is back in the saddle again. Rod is officially in year 2 of school. And I could not be prouder! I am so grateful for all he is doing to prepare a future (that does not involve med school debt, and does involve a paycheck. haha) for us. He works so hard, and never with a complaint or a negative attitude. I am so blessed to have him as my own and I couldn't ask for a better example for my boys. What a swell guy:) Now that Rod is back in school I have all sorts of time with the monkeys. I remember when I first moved here I thought...Holy Heck! What am I going to do here?! But now I have a head full of ideas. We love going to the LMU pool. Its free to us since Rod is a student, so we take advantage of that every time we can. The past 2 weeks my girlfriends and I have been playing together a lot! We celebrated Tre's little girl friend's birthday just this week. It was too fun, party hats and all! I really love the friends we have gained here. So fabulous and really supportive. Just the other day I took the boys to Pinnacle Peak. This particular peak overlooks where VA, KY, & TN meet. It is truly beautiful. Tre gets a kick out of being a tour guide and reading a map of the trails in the area. He thrives on those moments when he can be in charge (or at least thinks he is in charge.) We discovered a snail along the way and the boys just loved it. It was a really pleasant morning.

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