
{Secret of Sclaters...ancient mystery}

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Without fail these songs make us laugh so hard each year & then as soon as it ends we have a good pout & cry (Rod pouts.  I cry & nag him to take me on an Alaskan cruise with Tar & Craig this spring. --its Tar's gift for finishing med school. Go Tar!) This years was particularly a hit with the children because well...what kid doesn't know that crazy song about what foxes say? The kids picked up the lyrics fast & love singing it EVERYWHERE! We miss them & I went ahead & stole a really hott picture of Craig & Tar off tar's Facebook page to put to this years song. We want to make a video of our own, but that would involve Rod being in the same place as us. Maybe someday. Love you Sowbys!! 

my favorite parts involve me sending flirty nurses in herses and Rod paralyzing people. 

What do the Sclaters say? from Jennifer S. on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Kacee said...

OK, that was crazy cool!! You have some very talented friends who put us lame ones to shame!! :)

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