
----->>>>start your engines

Monday, August 20, 2012

This is it. 
The last week before the kids start school.
Our list is getting completed 
and I am trying to work in some fun days this week.
Sadly some of those days will involve shoe shopping 
& other less kid friendly tasks.
But for the most part I am wanting those kids to have some last minute happy summer memories. 

getting things done before school feels like a major race for me. 
lucky for me, Rod is quick to help out! 


Kim-the-girl said...

You amaze me... first day of school gifts for teachers?!?!?! Who does that? I wish I could be your kids' teacher. :)

Ava said...

We have until Sept. 6th to get our list completed. I have the majority done, of supplies and new clothes. But we need to do sneaker shopping too. Not my favorite! Sorry to see your car bit the dust?! :( Hope you find something soon! :)

Unknown said...

What did you do for gifts this year? What happened to the escalade?

allegra said...

our schools don't start til sept 5th, so I haven't done too much shopping and stuff yet. (i'm kinda last minute, haha.) It's great you're a list maker! I think I'd be way more organized that way. lol.

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