
{& then there were 7..make that 8.}

Thursday, August 25, 2011

We would like to welcome to the family...












Lightning & Swimmy.
no, no!!..we are not expecting... we just got fish!

My parents took Maddox & Presley to a pet store today & bought the boy's fish for their rooms with all the neccisary fixings for a fun first pet. Maddox helped as Opah put it all together & placed the fish in their bowls.
When the boys got home from school they were surprised & pleased.
Tre has taught his fish several commands already he has told me.
After bedtime songs & prayers & before stories the fish were fed. They are a big hit.
Omah & Opah scored big cool points on this one!



Tamsyn said...

Super Cute!!! Your kids are growing up too fast!! I feel like I am missing so much!! :( We miss you guys! Your mom is awesome by the way...jumping on the trampoline with the kids, in a skirt no less! She wins Omah of the year award!! You can tell that I already decided that. love you!

Finkleas said...

Now... I hate to be a debbie downer...but I don't expect those little fishies will have much of a life span.... I mean... Britt up on that shelf... That is a disaster waiting to happen!!! Just sayin'. So fun!!! I took my kids to see the fish at the store a few weeks ago... they asked why we can't have one. I told them they need to talk to their Dad. But truth be told... I don't want one more thing to look after! Tell that Omah and Opah that we say hello!!!

jennifer said...

its funny laura, because as we were assembeling all this I swear i felt like an anchor was tied to my ancle. haha. OVER FISH! I guess the good thing about fish is they bring kids great excietemnt & then after a week or 2..they die. Im not sure how to handle that part yet. haha. then theres the possibility our fish will be those weird-os who live that case we will make a road trip to drop your kids a present or two who may or may not be named swimmy & lightning;)

Ava said...

So cute! I hope the boys have fun with their pets. I should think about getting fish for my boys. I'm allergic to cats and don't want to deal with the hassle of a dog with all the traveling we do. :( But a fish seems reasonable! Glad you can enjoy some time with your parents. I always love when my parents come to visit! :)

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