
{Elementary School Graduate}

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

The morning was incredibly hectic with trying to get everyone out the door & dressed nicely so early. So I hadn't put much thought into how I would feel seeing my oldest graduate from Elementary school. It hit me like a ton of bricks once I was settled in my seat. Im not sure if I was crying because the hardest school year to date was over or because he was moving on or maybe a compilation of both. But I sat there sobbing. He earned awards for citizenship & his middle school level math class, which means he will skip 6th grade math & move onto 7th grade math in the fall. Elementary school was such a breeze for Tre until this year. In Texas he was involved in all leadership opportunities & clubs & had lots of friends. The kids were nice & practiced the Covey lighthouse skills. We loved it. I don't think any of us were prepared for how hard Tre's 5th grade year would be. The children seem a bit rougher here. True friends were hard to come by. Thank heaven for Lucas next door! He is the sweetest kid & a tender heart & smart like our T. At the beginning of the school year (week 2 of the year) Tre had been accepted into a charter school & we opted to keep him in his zoned school since he had friends from church in his class that he was getting along with. I may regret that choice forever as things got bad once Rod left. Friends stopped acting like friends & his drive for success slipped with his hero over seas. There was no lacrosse league for him. He was pushed at recess & his arm was broken. It was a painful year to watch as a mother. But we did it! He excelled & learned & was humbled & as a family we learned a lot about how we plan to live out the remaining years we have here. He is ready for the next chapter & we both have high hopes that new friends & new opportunities are awaiting him in Middle School! 

1 comment:

Jen said...

Oh Jenni, reading this breaks my heart. Getting settled is oh so hard, especially when we have little hearts to worry about as well as our own. I am so glad this year is over and wish Tre nothing but success in middle school!

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