
{tissues please}

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Turn off my crazy music at the bottom & grab a tissue or ten to be on the safe side!

I feel so blessed to be a member of the church. We are taught to forgive & love regardless of offense. I can only pray that I can be as our savior when faced with trial.

I know that all are my brothers & sisters. I have a testimony that our Father in heaven is pleased when we love as he loves. His love has no bounds.


allegra said...

you are such a sweetie, jenni. i LOVED this video. definitely made me cry, but that's ok! loved it. i felt like i didn't really get too much out of church yesterday. dan had to work and max was being so irreverent in church. ruby was fussy, and the sunbeams i teach--well let's just say they had the major giggles. it was quite the day. anyway, my point is that it wasn't the most spiritual sunday, until i saw the video. so thanks!

Stew said...

It has been a long time since I cried this much. He is a much better man than I am. Thanks for sharing it.

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