
{Feeling pretty darn lucky tonight.}

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

I have this husband.
& I think he is pretty great.

When we first met we were little teenagers.
the first thing I noticed about him
was not what he was wearing
or his eye color
or even that heart melting smile.
It was this special, unique, sort-a weird feeling I got when around him.

It took me two years to figure out that
the special, unique, sort-a weird feeling I was feeling when I was around him
was in fact the holy spirit.
The man exudes it!
His heart is so warm & sweet natured & it shows.

I know our heavenly father sees Rod as one of his most treasured sons.
& I know I go to bed every night with a prayer of thanks that he is mine.

I have this husband &
I am aching to hug him!

Sweet dreams boyfriend!
just a few more days
& you are stuck with me for a whole month!

The picture above is nearly a year old.
Maddox was snuggled in the sling just 3 weeks old.
we all went to Disney World for christmas
with my parents, brother & cute sister in law.
remembering it made me smile...

1 comment:

Kalen said...

I love that picture! And I love that feeling when God introduces us to the most important people in our lives. To be able to experience the feeling of love is the greatest blessing in the world! We are some lucky ladies!!! :-)

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