
Best surprise

Thursday, March 26, 2020

My heart is still racing! valentines day I was so sick and feeling rather run down. The night was winding down when a knock was at the door. I told Maddox not. to worry about it, it was probably just the UPS guy and id grab it latter. Madds went to look and his face was shocked so I went to the door. Looked out the glass side and I about passed out. there was travis! I looked a bit further and YES! it was Kim! I pulled the door open and cried and held onto Kim. Man alive, my heart needed to see Kim! We had such a fun quick 3 day visit. We walked our land, went out to eat, and just really had a wonderful visit. Rod lit up too! He loved having time with his best friend too. We love travis & Kim. We had planned to go to Vegas for spring break, but with the health issues in America right now we canceled. As soon as it all passes we are going to make it our 1st order of business to go see them & the kids.

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