
{Presley turns 7}

Thursday, June 22, 2017

I tell this story all the time, & I probably will continue to. so one more time...when Presley was just a week old I had just finished nursing her and wrapping her up for a nap. The windows were open, the boys were in the yard playing with the water table. They were laughing & running around our big side yard with pinwheels. The breeze was blowing the curtains softly from the walls. My heart was full. I felt like life was just as I had always dreamed it would be, but better. & Then just as quickly as that fullness came the heartache followed. She was already a week old. She was growing and each day her faces seemed different and my sweet daughter would soon be walking, talking, and going to school. The tears started and if i am being honest I still, 7 years later look at her & cry. She small in stature, she is working on her speech and still hasn't lost a tooth, but though small in size she is big! She is independent and smart and hard working. The days have gone by way too fast and my heart aches with each birthday that passes. Rod & I joke that heavenly Fathers way of helping me through her growing up is by keeping her pocket sized and slowing her down just enough to let me baby her a bit longer. This morning as we knelt for family prayer i kept my eyes opened with my head bowed. I looked at this sweet girl with her arms folded, her eyes squeezed shut. She is such a dream. I know she & I will have what my mother & I have and I am so grateful for that. I am so grateful that heavenly Father knew our family needed a little girl with blonde hair and big eyes. Presley had her 7th birthday on the 14th. We loved on her and fulfilled her wishes of cakes, ramen noodles & everything littlest pet shop and cats & dogs. Now if only time would top right now. My momma heart aches for each phase our family has gone through...this time will be no different. I am doing all I can to soak the children & Rod in just as we are today. 

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