

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

This conference was incredibly different than any other for our family. I spent the week prior preparing activities & treats for the children because I would be leaving for Utah with the young women from church. We had tickets to Sunday morning's session & lots of things on the agenda to do. Amongst those we went to a BYU game, to see the best saddest movie ever about my friend Maria's brother, The Last Descent. We sobbed loud & long! Our eyes were incredibly puffy the next day! We went  to visit the SLC cemetery & saw where many church leaders were laid to rest. We ate lots of great food & explored. We visited temple square & the visitor's centers. I missed the children, but really enjoyed my time with the great girls & Kim Stephens. This calling has helped me grow in ways I never anticipated. I feel more deeply rooted & edified with each meeting, activity, lesson. I love my girls! The children survived, but more importantly Rod did, & made me feel like I was doing the right thing going with the girls. I love that he makes sure I can fulfill my calling & attend church activities designated for the girls & woman. He really has figured out how to run the ship without me!  Back to conference...Sunday morning's session was perfect. We had fantastic seats & all had our notebooks out & ready to fill with thoughts & inspiration. President Monson is simple amazing. He is frail in body, but strong in spirit! His words were short, but the meaning deep! I am so glad the girls & us leaders could be in that conference center to hear the words of our church leaders. I will never forget the things I felt & heard over the conference weekend. 

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