

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

The boys had their 100th day of school yesterday. They came home sporting some pretty radical head ware & glasses! & then we went ahead & put up our valentines day tree complete with silhouettes of children giving valentines & glittery hearts. Having children just makes everything more magical & 100th days of school & valentines day. Don't you think?

needless to say Maddox was painfully jealous so Rod & I hurried & made some for him to sport too!
she loves a good orange Lolli!


Kim-the-girl said...

Absolutely, magic and joy. Thank goodness for kids, they make life so much more exciting!

marie said...

What a great idea! The kids schools our great!
I'm so happy you made glasses for Maddox he doesn't want to be left out of the fun. He also has enjoyed the 100 days of school being home with Mom and Presley :-)

Presley you take after Omah because she also LOVES orange pops :-)

See all of you soon..counting down the days xx

Kalen said...

Too funny! I asked Brad yesterday what he was getting for our little girl for Valentine's Day... he told me to just tell him what I wanted. I figured it had to be something I had to consume so she could enjoy it, too.... Cheesecake it is! ;)

marie said...

Britt just makes me smile with his expressions!

Jenni said...

I know!! It never fails!! He always has a goofy face to offer! He's a cutie for sure!

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