
{Utah part 4}

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Before Camp ended and the awards ceremony we headed to the BYU bookstore. We joke that its the yearly clothes shopping trip for Rod. He wears scrubs to work, a suit to Church and BYU t-shirts every other second of every day. We stocked up on all our favorite BYU items before heading to the camp awards ceremony. T's team won the whole camp tournament! We were super excited for him. He really played hard this year at camp. I love our Goalie!! I love that the BYU camp coaches remember Rod from his BYU days and call T little Sclater. Its fun watching Tre following in his Dad's footsteps. I am sure a proud mother. Jake has a fun time at camp too and I think both boys left with lots of funny memories! I loved visiting with one of my favorite Vegas lax moms at camp. 
Jake left on Friday morning and we just had to get Dane back! We have missed Dane so so much since he left to go up to Salt Lake City. So Dane came and Tre just lit up. These two buddies have something special. Dane & T scooted up and down the tree streets and played soccer and lacrosse in the yard. It was really fun watching them together again. I am so grateful for the friends who help my children be their best. Dane is one of those buddies. 

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