
{Utah part 1}

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

We rented a house in the tree streets again this year. It is always so pretty up there. We are just behind the temple, the view of the lake & BYU is breathtaking. The birds are singing and the yards are always green. We love it up there. When T was a baby I would drive around the tree streets daydreaming that I lived up there. Now its our vacation spot of choice when we are in Utah. This years house had a lacrosse field of sorts set up in the yard so that was a huge hit. We were super lucky that my parents joined us. My Mom has made the trip with us a bunch of times, but this year my Dad was able to sneak away with us too. Having them with us always makes trips more special and memorable. We also had arranged months and months ago for T to room in the dorms with his friend Jake from north of the city. so Jake got to experience the loudness of our family first hand. Poor buddy. Its fun and happy loud, but loud non the less. We spent the first 2 days settling in, eating at our favorite places and playing board games, putting together puzzles, & playing in the yard. I love LOVE love puzzles. I laugh at myself over how much I enjoy puzzles. I love a good evening putting together puzzles with friends and family. My kids will remember me and my puzzles. They will certainly remember that I always needed to put the last peace in or I didn't feel like I finished it. Rods such a good sport and lets me get that last peace in every time. 
We dropped T and Jake off at the dorms and they were eager to be big kids sans parents for a week. This year was so much easier than the last 2 years. T travels a lot now for scout overnights and YM camp outs. I am getting better at kissing him goodbye and feeling okay about it. I still dread him leaving the nest, but its getting easier on my momma heart. 

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