
{Puerto Rico}

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Rod was in Puerto Rico for about 6 weeks. so not too long but long enough that he was deeply missed. We were thrilled to find out that he would infect be back for thanksgiving! We were initially told he would not make it back in November. He got home just in time! I have fun pictures on my phone of his adventures on the island while serving as anesthesiologist to the residents and military serving their. I will have to get those up on here! He was able to eat at some near by restaurants and loved the food so much that he decided to make some for us, my parents & our friends the Crosbys & Keys. So the night before thanksgiving we turned on some festival music and some Despesito, Rod put on his shirt he picked up while over there and we had virgin pina coladas (Presley llooovvveeedddd hers so much!) and plantains and chicken with bacon and beans and rice. It was a lot of fun.  We are so happy to have him back & so proud of the support he was able to offer to the hurricane victims. 

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