
{Cooper turns 5!}

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Five. It breaks my heart a bit. 5 is the no turning back point it seems. 5 years is a big age gap if we were to add another to the family. But our baby turned 5 on Monday and it seems like that day marked the conclusion of babyhood inner home. Its a hard pill to swallow. Cooper is such a sweet sweet boy with a mix of all of his siblings. Sweet like Tre, Smart like Britt, mischievous like Maddox, a bit sassy like Presley. He started school this year and is learning so much so quickly! He is a sponge and I get little glimpses of how successful he is going to be in life. I see that he will walk the strait and narrow path and bring great pride to our family. He is so very loved and still so very babied! & We are okay with that. We loved celebrating his day with Oma & Opa! If you were to ask what his favorite part of the day was I am certain he would say getting McDonalds.

1 comment:

Kim-the-girl said...

Five is big! Abe turns 5 next week and it's crazy to me. And it is a big age gap between him and the baby Fisher, but it's really special and sweet too... I wish we could meet up with your family again, we miss you!

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