
{Friday at Duck Creek}

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The weekend plans were interrupted by Rod being put on standby for deployment. We had planned this trip fora  while so we were not thrilled with the news. but the deployment is for a good cause. People need his medical abilities. I am excited for him. So the kids & I  drove up to Utah Thursday after school. We arrived after some strange dirt road detours. The grown ups unloaded 20 peoples worth of food and drinks while the children ran around claiming bunk beds and picking up where they left off. They always becoming quick friends again even if its months of not being together (although we see the Keys just about every week now which we love.)   We got everyone settled around 11pm and we all crashed. I snuggled in a bed with Britt & Coop & Presley & Tre slept on a mattress on the floor next to us. Maddox opted to sleep in the bunk room with all the other boys. I love sleeping with my children. There is something so peaceful about having all of my sleeping babies near by. 
Friday Morning the bunk room boys were up before dawn. They were excited for the day ahead & I could hear them making plans of fort building & weapon making in the woods. Not long after Rod called! He told me they were not leaving yet so that he was on his way to Utah to join us for the weekend! We were all super excited. I think especially Travis & Charlie. Those 3 are so fun together. Everyone was up & moving by 7.  Each family takes turns with meals so after a good breakfast we bundled up all 14 desert babies & left to go on a hike to a waterfall. The kids all did great! Even the littlest ones kept up & enjoyed the cooler weather & fall colors. The bonus of the hike is that none of the children fell to their death. The ledges were pretty steep, but all the parents worked together and kept everyone safe. I think that's one of my favorite things about the Keys & Crosby's...I can see & feel how much they love my children...even when they are not at their best, they teach them & love them. Its nice to not feel judged or overly concerned. After the first hike we returned to the cabin for lunch & to put some little ones down for naps. The kids were eager to be done with lunch so they could play outside around the cabin. Rod arrived & it felt like the weekend could really start. The day was only 1/2 over so we decided to go spelunking  at a near by cave. So we again bundled up kids and headed out. We arrived at the cave, and set some rules about staying near adults, wearing your glow stick bracelet, keeping lights on & staying with your designated buddy. Cooper was my buddy, but soon Britt left Tre & came with me too. I was super proud of how brave the children were. Cooper got a little anxious on the way out, but all in all it was super neat. Kim even shared a little spiritual message while we were deep inside the cave. When we got back to the sunlight we decided to do one more hike to finish off the day before dinner.  This hike was my favorite because all the aspen trees were yellow and the trail was just beautiful. At the end of the trail was a bridge to a lake. It was so beautiful. The kids got good & muddy & enjoyed jumping from bolder to bolder to see how far down the stream they could get. I grew up in these types of surroundings, I wish my children could play like this every day. It was perfect. 
By bedtime all 14 needed tubs and fell asleep rather quickly. That's when the moms got to work on Conference treats and prizes & games. The dads all just laughed at us and joked that it looked like Christmas eve.  Conference kinda feels that way & I love it! 

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