
{Conference Weekend Prt.3}

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Sunday everyone woke up a lot more rested. We ate our weight in pancakes & bacon & settled in for the Sunday morning session.  Listening to our Prophet always renews my testimony. His expressions of love from our Heavenly Father are always so sincere & warming. The children played more games I had brought along. They ate more candy & then headed outside to play while the grown ups began cleaning up the cabin. It began to rain & at first that seemed harmless & we let the kids play in the chilly rain, but as they began to trudge through the house with muddy shoes we quickly realized that we would all be returning to our homes with very muddy kids. We attempted to watch the last session, but honestly I was so busy chasing our children that I will certainly be listening to it all over again. It was so fun to all be together. We all want to make this an annual thing. Maybe next time the beach? Or another cabin? Wherever we go I know it will be just as magical for the kids & memorable for us parents. 

1 comment:

Kim-the-girl said...

What a fabulous weekend!

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