
{Britton's art show}

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Britt absolutely loves his Art class at school. I think colors seem more vibrant to him then the rest of us. His neurotologist had told me a long while ago that children with a deficit in one or more senses experience heightened senses in  other areas. I think it explains his love for color, nature & art. & Also why he is so particular about the texture of things and temperature.
Britt invited to to see his projects that were put on exhibit at this school. (on pajama day)
He was beaming with pride as he walked me around to each of his pieces. I love his mind, and his heart & I feel so much joy when he finds something that makes his excited! After he showed me around the sweet office staff let us sneak into a conference room and and eat lunch just the two of us. We talked about school and is friends. I treasure this boy.

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