
{Presley turns 8}

Monday, June 25, 2018

Presley Turned 8. & that terrifies me! How has she grown up so quickly?! I remember her being 3 days home from the hospital. I was dressing her for the day and I just burst into tears because I wanted her to stay small forever. I love the little girl she has become. She is not at all what I imagined she would be. She is fierce and determined! She was a late talker and teachers told us she would always be playing catch up. Well she sure proved them wrong! that little darling pushed hard and is so incredibly smart. She went from maybe staying back in kinder to being an A student across the board.  She is self motivated and absolutely loves learning! She is going someplace in life! I can't wait to see what she does. On her birthday I can't help but think of the people who loved her so much. I am so grateful that Heavenly Father blessed us with our sweet baby girl and a village of friends, teachers and a fantastic speech therapist. Now that she is 8 her baptism is just a few weeks away.  She is so excited for her special day and has been practicing in the pool with Daddy. We love her so very much!

For her Birthday we partied all day with the brothers. The day started with her favorite-eggs waffles with Nutella, & then presents. When Daddy got home from work we took our Presley out to Paris for a French dinner and then went to a French bakery to pick up crusants and macaroons. She is absolutely in love with all things French and Parisian right now. She is so super fun!

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